Friday, June 13, 2008

Where Is Amos When We Need Him?

This blog has been neglected so long that I couldn't even remember its name!
In the meantime I've started another blog, "Mid-American Musings".

I read a bit of the book of Amos this noon, trying to find an answer in a crossword puzzle.  Amos really gives his contemporaries fire and brimstone.  By the time he gets through describing their faults and what God will do to them he has to leave the country because he has enraged the king.

We could use an Amos about now.  Among the sins for which Amos berates his contemporaries are bribing, ignoring the needs of the poor, using other people's money, failing to give credit to God for everything they have, but attributing their good fortune to themselves and their own efforts, carousing, and even a son and father using the services of the same prostitute?? Must have been considered some sort of incest.  Surely it wasn't out of consideration for the poor woman whose dire circumstances forced her to prostitute herself. 
It seems that Washington is the city that really would benefit from a good dose of Amos.  Many of those involved in governing this nation come off as being so self absorbed, and so pleasure and power seeking that they are willing to do anything, cheating, stealing, to enrich themselves and increase their power.  So much vile news comes from our capitol these days. So little being done for the people.  I hope the next administration can sweep the place clean.
Rant, Rant, Rant!

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